There are a lot of abbreviations used by people in the Special Educational Needs and Disability sector, which can get more than a little confusing.
So here’s a helpful list of some of the most common terms you might find:
Abbreviation | Meaning |
ADD/ADHD | Attention deficit disorder / attention deficit hyperactivity disorder |
BESD | Behaviour, Emotional & Social Difficulties |
ASD/ASC | Autistic spectrum disorder – no longer used by some professional due to the connotations of disorder. Some professionals e.g. speech and language therapist use autistic spectrum condition. |
CAF | Common assessment framework |
CAMHS | Child and adolescent mental health services |
CI | Communication and interaction |
CL | Cognition and learning |
CoP | Code of practice |
CP | Child protection |
DDA | Disability Discrimination Act |
DME | Dual or multiple rxceptionality (DME) is the term used to describe a child who is not only exceptionally able but also has an additional learning difficulty or a disability. |
EHA | Early Help Assessment |
EHCP | Education and health care plan. Replaced old statements (Statutory assessment of a child’s special educational needs) and involves 3 agencies schools, health and social care. |
EOTAS | Education other than at school |
EP | Education psychologist |
Fine Motor | Small movements i.e. using scissors, writing, tying shoelaces |
GLD | Global learning difficulties |
Gross Motor | Large movements e.g. Running, jumping and climbing |
HI | Hearing impaired |
HLTA | Higher level teaching assistant |
IBP | Individual Behaviour Plan |
IEP | Individual education plan (no longer used by some schools following introduction of CoP 2015) |
K | SEND Support (replaces SA & SA+) As part of the graduated response this may include targeted or specialist support, when outside agencies become involved. |
LAC | Looked after children |
LD | Learning difficulties |
LSA | Learning support assistant |
MAC | More able child (child working a year above age-related expectations) |
MLD | Moderate learning difficulties |
MSI | Multi-Sensory Impariment |
ODD | Oppositional defiant disorder |
OT | Occupational therapy/therapist |
P Levels | Type of assessment used for pupils working below level 1. |
PD | Physical disability |
PDA | Pathological Demand Avoidance |
PEP | Personal education plan (for looked after children) |
PMLD | Profound and multiple learning difficulties profound and multiple learning difficulties – Pupils with PMLD are those with severe and complex learning needs, usually a combination of learning difficulties and sensory impairments or medical conditions. They may only be able to communicate by gesture, eye movement and/or simple language. Often, they cannot manage their own personal care. PMLD pupils need a high level of adult support and sensory stimulation and they are usually educated in special schools or hospital units. |
SaLT | Speech and language therapy |
SEMH | Social, Emoptional & Mental Health |
SEN(D) | Special educational needs (and disabilities) |
SENCo | Special educational needs co-ordinator |
SLCN | Speech, language and communication needs |
SLD | Severe learning difficulties |
SM | Selective mutism (formerly known as elective mutism) |
SPDs | Sensory processing disorders |
SpLD | Specific learning difficulties |
SPM | Sensory, physical, medical |
TA | Teaching assistant |
TAC | Team around the child |
TAF | Team around the family (when CAF is about whole family) |
VI | Visually impaired |
Enjoy a personal visit away from the hustle-and-bustle of life’s worries,
where you and your group will get a chance to pamper, groom and interact with the ponies here at the Keysoe Therapy & Well-Being Centre.
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